Click the Options
button on the toolbar to change X-NetStat program settings.
Connection Table Friendly
Names Rules
Access Logging
Advanced Extra
General Options
Auto refresh connections
– When checked, X-NetStat will refresh the Connection Table for
you automatically so you don’t have to push the
Refresh button each
Count down seconds in status bar
– When checked, X-NetStat will count down the last 5 seconds
until a refresh.
Auto lookup hostnames
– When checked, X-NetStat will attempt to resolve all IP
addresses to a hostname.
Use Advanced API
– When checked, X-NetStat will display the process / EXE behind
each connection in the
Connection Table.
Cache DNS
– Stores the results of an IP to hostname lookup for future
reference. Speeds up the application.
Edit DNS Cache
Opens the DNS
Cache in Notepad for manual editing.
Clear DNS Cache
Clears the
cache and looks up every IP address from scratch.
Show X-NetStat Tips
– Displays helpful tips and hints on how to use X-NetStat when
the program starts.
Start in system tray
– When checked, X-NetStat will start minimized to the system
Check for X-NetStat Updates
– Checks Fresh Software’s website on startup to make sure you
are running the latest version of X-NetStat.
Run X-NetStat at Windows startup
– Loads X-NetStat every time Windows starts.

Load Default Values link to revert to X-NetStat’s default
settings (the settings used on the first install) |
Connection Table Options
– Picks the font face, the size, color and style of the font
used for the
Connection Table.
– Shows and hides columns in
X-NetStat’s main window.
Show program icons –
Shows a
16x16 icon of the program (process) next to each connection
under Windows XP.
Show grid lines
– Separates information in the Connection Table with lines for
easier reading.
Show FilterBar
– Turns the Filter Bar on or off. When the Filter Bar is on,
type into a text field at the top of the connection table to
show ONLY connections that match that criteria.
You can use multiple filters by using a comma. For example,
to show .com addresses but hide all .net addresses use:
This option can also be toggled from the View menu, or by
clicking the funnel icon on the
Show open UDP ports
– Displays UDP listening ports in the Connection Table.
Show open TCP ports
– Displays TCP connections with “Listening” status (AKA Open
Ports) in the
Connection Table.
Show a port’s shortname when available
– Displays a “code” word (from the Port Database) for local and
remote ports instead of numbers.
If the port is not in the Port Database, only the port
number will be shown.
To display BOTH shortname and numbers, also check
Show Port Numbers with
Shortnames in the
Extra Options section.
Rules Editor
This page displays all your rules and allows you add, edit,
and delete them. You can enable or disable a rule by checking
the box in the “On”
See also:
Rules |
Programs Editor
This page lists all the external programs to be shown under
the Programs button
on the

Click Add to add a new program/file to the list. A window
will appear asking for the location of the file, folder, or URL
and a name to give it.
When you click this item in the Programs dropdown menu
(shown above), the program, file, or URL will launch. |
ViewBar Options
Enable ViewBar
– When checked, X-NetStat shows the ViewBar by default.
Start Docked to
– The initial dock location of the ViewBar.
– Hides the ViewBar at the very top or bottom unless the mouse
is hovered over it.
Slide Effect
– Animate the ViewBar when it is changing position.
Blend Connections
– An alternate style to show the ViewBar in.
Show transmission lights
– Shows transmission LEDs, the same ones on the status bar.
Show Clock
– Displays the time on the ViewBar.
Autoscroll connections
– When checked, each connection is shown for a specified time
and then the next connection is shown. |
Remote Access Options
Enable X-NetStat Server
– Turns the
server on or off.
Port to Use
– The port on
your computer that the server will use. Port 11131 is default.
Include Net Stats
– Include
information from the Net Stats window in the HTML report.
– Includes a
META Refresh tag so the page is reloaded every few seconds.
Authentication required
– Password
protects access to the X-NetStat server. You must know the
password in order to view the report.
– Shows the
URLs to access the X-NetStat server.
See Also:
Remote Access |
Logging Options
Log X-NetStat Activity
– When checked, certain activity in X-NetStat will be logged to
a file.
Record address and…
-- What to include when recording each activity.
See also:
Logging |
Packet Sniffer Options
Enable X-NetStat Packet Sniffer
– Turns on
packet sniffing when checked so XNS can calculate bandwidth
usage for each connection. Corresponds to the Sniffer button
on the toolbar.
Show total traffic in KiloBytes
– When checked, displays total traffic in KB instead of bytes.
Display Bandwidth Meters
– For each connection, shows meteres that measure the portion of
total bandwidth used.
Enter in the maximum KB/s (KiloBytes per second) for your
upstream and downstream connection.
You can choose from a preset of common connection types,
but this may not accurately represent the bandwidth capabilities
of your connection.
To accurately figure out your connection speeds, contact
your network administrator or Internet Service Provider, or
click one of the links to go to an online bandwidth speed test. |
See Also:
The X-NetStat Packet Sniffer
Advanced Options
SMTP email server –
The outgoing email server to use when sending an email triggered
by a rule.
SMTP username –
If a username
is needed to send email on this server, specify it here.
SMTP password
– If a password must accompany a username, specify it here.
Update NetStats –
How often to
refresh Network Statistics in the
Net Stats window.
Update LED lights –
How often to
check bytes in / bytes out to see if a LED should be flashed on
or off. Also how often to check the transmission rate. Setting
this too low will decrease performance. Recommended setting is
100ms to 500ms.
Repaint Connection Table every ___ ms
By adjusting
these values, you can specify how often X-NetStat should repaint
the connection table (in milliseconds) to show updated
You can
choose values for when the Packet Sniffer is either on or off.
numbers mean that you will see information updated more quickly,
but X-NetStat may end up using more system resources (CPU
Use higher
numbers will repaint less often and use less CPU cycles.
The default
values are recommended. |
Extra Options
Old style toolbar highlight –
Turns a toolbar
button’s text blue when the mouse is hovered over it, much like
the HotTracking feature in XNS version 4.0.
Flat Column headers –
Flattens the
column headers in the Connection Table.
Confirm on Exit –
Asks you if you
are sure you want to exit X-NetStat when closing.
Check for changes in Local IP/Hostname
When enabled, XNS will update the Local IP and Local Hostname
on every refresh to reflect potential changes.
Memory Leak protection
– For beta versions only, checking this will make X-NetStat
restart itself every 24 hours.
Continuously repaint Connection Table
When checked, the Connection Table will be repainted every
second instead of every refresh. Uncheck to increase
Use I’m Feeling Lucky –
Automatically goes to first Google result when searching for a
Show Port Numbers with Shortnames -
When enabled, turning on Shortnames will display both the
Port’s “code name” and its number.
Don’t Warn when Terminating/Restarting -
Checking this will disable the confirmation message box when
you decide to terminate or restart a process.
HotTrack on Connection Table
– When checked, you can select a connection by hovering your
mouse over it.
NOTE: HotTrack may disable the rearranging of column
Show splash screen –
Shows the
X-NetStat splash screen on startup.
Flash updated cells –
When checked, a
border flashes around each value in
Net Stats that has changed since the last update of Network
Show Connection Events -
Specifies where
you want “Events” (New Connection, Closed Connection, etc) to
show up when the program is minimized.