Sentry FAQ under construction... have a question? Send it
What operating systems are supported?
Sentry 3.0 is verified to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008, 32-bit and 64-bit
How long do I have to try the software?
The trial period is 30 days.
Sentry is running on a computer, and my network
settings are correct, but SentryManager still can't detect it. Why?
Check to make sure access is not being blocked by Windows Firewall:
My layout is displaying on the wrong monitor in my dual-monitor setup.
This issue was identified 2/13/13 on a Windows 7 DVI + VGA setup. We will
issue recommendations shortly.
I used Remote Desktop to connect to a computer running Sentry, and I can't
see my layout. All I see is a black screen. What do I do?
Hit the Windows key on your keyboard, or triple-right-click to bring up the
Sentry menu, and unlock Sentry. You can also use Alt+F4 to bring up the Close
Sentry dialog.
I'm getting a UAC My layout is displaying on the wrong monitor in my
dual-monitor setup.
This issue was identified 2/13/13 on a Windows 7 DVI + VGA setup. We will
issue recommendations shortly.
Sentry closed after updating Java.
This issue was identified 3/23/13 on a Windows Vista setup, after updating
Java 7 13 to Java 7 17. The issue can occur if a layout attempts to run a Java
applet, but does not proceed.
Sentry closed after updating Java.
This issue was identified 3/23/13 on a Windows Vista setup, after updating
Java 7 13 to Java 7 17. The issue can occur if a layout attempts to run a Java
applet, but does not proceed.
My layout with a Java Applet displays a Security Warning.
After Java 7 Update 11, your security settings may have gone to "High" by
default, and you are seeing this dialog with an unsigned java app. Check the box
"Do not show this again for this app"
Due to
security measures implemented in the latest version of Java (version 7
update 11) many Pogo Java games may be asking you permission to run before
they load.
With a few
quick mouse clicks you should be able to bypass these messages and prevent
them from appearing in the future.
When you
see a window that looks like this when loading a Pogo game:

Click on
the “Do not show this again for this app” check-box on the bottom left and
then hit the “Run” button. Note that this may appear as many as 7 times the
first time, and again once or twice on other Pogo games. Once you’ve gone
through the process with all Pogo’s game types, you should not see the
security warning window pop up again when you are on Pogo.