Big update available. Version 3.1 adds enhanced Windows 10 compatibility:
Download link:
MD5: 9CC3879755B7E4018ECEE882D773B0FD
What’s New Since 3.03
+ Better Windows 10 compatibility
+ Compiled in Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2
+ Removed FastNet components
+ Updated Libraries (Indy, EmbeddedWB, Cryptography)
+ HTTPS/HTTP over SSL now supported
+ Initial support for Unicode
+ Fixed detecting of Admin status (user group vs elevated privs)
* Detecting Admin (elevated) privileges now relies on JCLsecurity Manager
+ No longer attempts registry writes likely to fail (even with exception handling)
+ Added more debug information
+ Fixed bug in FillScreen() (Blackout page array was set too small.)
+ Stop TaskManager: Now can find Windows 10 Task Manager. (also updated DisableTaskManager function)
+ Altered StartUp/Shutdown logical flow
+ Weather Underground link updated (F10 to change map)
+ Removed debug message when deleting file from Editor
+ Removed browser stop/refresh from UnlockExit1Click (introduced in 3.03)
+ Added FocusBox to UnlockExit1.Click
+ Fixed Check for Updates/Auto updater
* Set setting “receive beta notifications” for 3.1 updates
+ Secure mode off in beta version by default
+ Added “Turn On Security” under Quality Control (with warning message)
+ added -secure command line parameter to force secure mode on
+ Enabled F1+Alt emergency exit in secure mode (beta versions only.)
+ Moved key files to AppData (Mantis #385)
* Logs, Layouts, UserList.dat, ScreenSavers.Dat, Minibrowser.html, minibrowser2.html
* Not moved: settings.ini (check deployment code)
+ Added “App Data Folder” to Tray Menu -> Computer
+ Added “Uninstall Sentry” to Tray Menu -> Computer
+ Added “Fresh Software on Facebook” to Tray Menu -> Web
+ Dual-signed EXE files w/ SHA-1 and SHA-256
+ Added “Task Scheduler” Startup method (requires elevation to register)
* Runs application w/ full admin privileges
* Not fully tested! use at your own risk
* May register for ALL user accounts… or may not work on other user accounts at all (still testing)
+ Prompting for master password (on first run) no longer loses focus.
+ Hitting Enter in “First Time” window’s password field no longer beeps, when setting focus to password confirm field
+ Can now use either a / or – in command line parameters.
+ Added SECURE_TOPMOST flag (not finished!)
+ Started cleanup of layouts\html folder (not done)
+ Updated full-screen stocks layout: Password box now autohides after 5 seconds
+ Code cleanup / code changes
+ Added %appdata%\Sentry 3.0\sentry3_debug_dump.txt to record a session log.
* Combine with -showdebug command line parameter to get a detailed log file tracing any crashes
+ Initial support for MHTML layouts (.MHT file)
+ If Elevated Privs are not detected, Run/StartUp registry reverts to HKCU and not HKLM
NOTE: Network deployment is probably broken, but will be fixed in future beta releases.
See readme.txt and whatsnew.txt in the installation folder.